Toyota Case Study


CASE STUDY – Toyota Motor Corporation, Hybrid Vehicle Management System Development Division Dramatically Improved efficiency of Advanced  Development for Hybrid Vehicle (HV) Motor Controls. From design “idea” to actual implementation into hardware within a single day.

Kenji Yamada – GM, Hybrid Vehicle Management System Development Division, Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan.
“We have utilised Veltronix’s Accelerate Tool and expertise on the advanced development of our Hybrid Motor Control Systems. The main attraction was the ability for a Control Systems Engineer to put his ideas and algorithms written in C and convert them into hardware without Verilog HDL or FPGA expertise. It has made it possible for us to efficiently evaluate the acceleration of complex algorithms in hardware. This tool is exactly what we “Control Systems Engineers” were looking for. We are looking forward to future developments from Veltronix.”

Here is the full story.